Workplace recycling guide

Outdoor events

Help for your business at each step of the journey.

Guidance for the outdoor events sector

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This guide, prepared by WRAP Cymru, should be read in conjunction with the Separate Collection of Waste Materials for Recycling: A Code of Practice for Wales. This guide provides supplementary advice for individual sectors and should not be read as standalone guidance.

It applies to small pop-up or temporary events operating over several hours as well as to larger events over several days, which may or may not include camping provision. The law is relevant whether the event or festival is held on public open spaces such as parks, marketplaces, highways (where road closures have been permitted) or on private land.

Content overview

Why you need to recycle?

From 6 April 2024, all workplaces must present the following materials separately for collection to be recycled.

How to better understand your waste and recycling

If you have never held your event before, think about the types of waste that will be produced. If there will be on-site food or drinks vendors and stall holders, food waste and packaging is likely to be the most prominent waste produced at your event.

Preventing waste in the first place

Reducing or preventing how much waste you produce will help to save money and reduce the size of bins you will need.

How to comply with the new recycling law

We recommend you read Separate Collection of Waste Materials for Recycling: Code of Practice for Wales to ensure you’re doing everything you need to. This publication includes a list of all the specific types of items that have to be recycled.

How to arrange a new recycling service

Arrange waste and recycling collection services well ahead of your event to ensure a collector can provide the services you require; this should form part of your initial event planning.

Space for your bins?

It’s important that you consider where and how you will store your waste and recycling.

Food waste and hygiene

There are guidelines on food waste to help you dispose of waste properly to meet the existing waste Duty of Care law.

Engaging with visitors, traders or vendors and employees

Use our resources when engaging with your employees, clients, visitors, suppliers, and third-party vendors.


Further advice for the events sector

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