Guidance for
Residential settings

How to better understand your waste and recycling

To understand the different types of waste your workplace produces, undertake a waste audit by walking through the different areas within your premises, e.g., offices, kitchens, food preparation, storage, areas your residents and their guest have access to, and delivery areas, to examine the contents of general waste bins, and to highlight any waste reduction or recycling efforts that are already in place. In addition, think about the people who will be using your facilities and the types of waste that they may produce.

The areas where you are most likely to generate waste could be:

  • Canteens and kitchens – food (e.g. preparation waste) and packaging waste;

  • Laundry and stores – packaging waste;

  • Staff and break rooms - paper and packaging waste;

  • General offices – paper;

  • Dayrooms, bedrooms and bathrooms – paper, packaging, and food waste;

  • Activities and workshops spaces – paper and packaging waste, unsold electrical and unsold textile wastes and

  • External grounds such as gardens and outside seating spaces - food waste and packaging.

Residential establishments may also generate types of hazardous waste, such as paints, oils or chemicals that require a specialised waste collection service.

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