Guidance for
Small and Medium sized businesses and Enterprises (SME)

Staff training ideas

  • Ask for ideas on how a scheme may work, as they may have spotted opportunities or issues which you have not considered; 

  • Identify a recycling champion to encourage everyone to do the right thing.  Management still has ultimate responsibility to ensure all members of staff understand what is expected of them. 

  • Provide clear instructions on what they should do with different waste streams or recyclables to help you meet your new recycling obligations;  

  • Provide training to permanent, seasonal and temporary workers. Use orientation training to ensure new starters can recycle from day one, with regular training and reminders for all employees; 

  • Share information about recycling via regular updates at team meetings and on staff noticeboards so that employees hear about the differences their actions are making and  

  • Ask for feedback if recycling systems are not working well, ensure employees feel listened to and that issues are identified promptly before they cause bigger problems. 

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