Guidance for
Leisure facilities and entertainment

Engaging with clients, visitors, employees, suppliers and third party vendors

When engaging with employees:

  • Ask for ideas on how a scheme may work, as they may have spotted opportunities or issues which you have not considered;

  • Provide clear instructions on what they should do with different waste streams or recyclables to help you meet your new recycling obligations;

  • Provide training to permanent, seasonal and temporary workers. Use orientation training to ensure new starters can recycle from day one, with regular training and reminders for all employees;

  • Share information about recycling via regular updates at team meetings and on staff noticeboards so that employees hear about the differences their actions are making and

  • Ask for feedback if recycling systems are not working well, ensure employees feel listened to and that issues are identified promptly before they cause bigger problems.

When engaging with clients, visitors, suppliers and third-party vendors:

  • Ensure that all stakeholders understand their responsibilities regarding recycling and waste management and provide sufficient waste capacity to ensure that they can recycle as required by the new Workplace Recycling law;

  • Include the location of recycling and waste bins on location maps and leaflets highlighting all dedicated recycling and waste collection points with clear signposting;

  • Promote the availability of recycling services to visitors in all promotional literature and explain why they should use them and

  • Ensure all bins are clearly labelled so that users know what items to place in each bin. Make recycling bins as visible as possible with clear signage on them to help people use the correct bins. Recycling wardens can monitor containers to ensure visitors don’t cause contamination.

Ask your waste and recycling collector for information on how much waste you produce and how much has been recycled. Use this information to review how you may be able to increase recycling and set targets to reduce waste or recycle more. This information can also be used to promote your recycling successes to the local community, your visitors, and clients to reinforce why recycling is so important.

Use our resources when engaging with your employees, clients, visitors, suppliers, and third-party vendors.

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