Guidance for
Leisure facilities and entertainment

How to arrange a new recycling service

If you need to organise a new recycling service, it’s worth thinking about the following:

  • What is the amount or type of waste you regularly produce? Does this change during the year? For example, increases over Christmas or school holidays. Your recycling collection service, including the number of bins and how often they need emptying, may need to be flexible;

  • Whether having recycling collections on certain days of the week e.g. after busy weekends or ‘changeover days’, will help prevent waste and recyclables building up;

  • Maybe little and often works better for you. Most waste collectors offer different container sizes, including sacks for some waste. Once you start recycling you might be able to reduce the size of your general waste bin;

  • If you don’t have much space for external containers, could you share bins with other nearby businesses to help reduce costs and space? Just bear in mind that waste containers can’t be stored on the public highway in between collections;

  • Speak to your existing waste collector about your new recycling needs. They will need to be aware of the new law and ensure the services they offer will be compliant;

  • Whether you need collections at certain times i.e., at the end of each day or when a hire/event has finished to accommodate changes in waste volumes and ensure site safety. Remember that waste collection vehicles can be a hazard to visitors if they need to travel across areas of high footfall and

  • You could also get quotes from a range of collectors to get the best price and the most suitable service for you.

If requested, councils must arrange waste and recycling collection services for you. There is a charge for these services. In rural areas you may find that options for waste and recycling are more limited, and that only councils will provide a collection service to you, especially if you do not produce a lot of waste.

If you are in one of Wales’ 14 Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), you may find that they already have waste and recycling services which you can access.

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