Guidance for
Leisure facilities and entertainment

Space for your bins?

Ensure that containers and waste storage areas:

  • are safe and accessible for people, including users with disabilities, and your waste collector

  • are not in locations that cause an obstruction, a fire hazard or block escape routes;

  • provide sufficient capacity to cope with the types and amounts of waste and recyclables you produce and store between collections;

  • are not located near food preparation or storage areas for food safety and hygiene reasons;

  • close to where the waste and recycling is generated, i.e. in areas with high footfall at the entrances or exits, communal areas, concourses, next to concessions, food preparation areas, next to the facilities at campsites;

  • are tidy, clean, and free from clutter or loose waste and

  • are secure with close fitting lids, and do not allow waste or recycling to escape.

It is important to:

  • label your recycling bins to avoid contamination. You can use labels from the Resource webpage, and

  • prevent water from becoming contaminated by stored waste.

Following this advice and guide will also help avoid any pest control problems.

You are responsible for assessing risks associated with storage, handling or use of waste, and implementing effective control measures to avoid and control any identified risks. Hazards associated with poor waste management may include:

  • accumulations of waste blocking emergency access or escape routes, presenting trip or fire hazards and attracting vermin. These all pose health and safety risks – ensure waste storage areas are located away from flammable sources and that flammable materials such as cardboard are stored in sealed or secure containers;

  • waste collection vehicles crossing high footfall areas or routes. This can be dangerous – ideally ensure collections occur when the site is free from visitors. If this is not possible collections should occur during quieter times and a “banksman” or reversing assistant should be used and

  • injury to workers due to the handling of waste, e.g., needle stick injuries, back strains caused by excessive manual handling and possible infection by pathogens such as tetanus.

In larger premises you may want to hire or purchase a baler to compress materials such as cardboard packaging. You will need to check your collector is happy with this and whether they have any limits on the weight of the bales you might produce. Your contractor may provide a baler and training. If you use a baler, you may need to register a “waste exemption” with Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

To keep recycling bins free from contamination, consider providing additional information to clients and visitors. Provide information on your website and as part of the welcome pack provided to holiday makers. If you operate a venue that is hired out, such as a village hall, you could include the information as part of your terms of use. Ask users to reduce waste, by not using disposable items such as plates, cutlery, cups, recycling bottles, tins, paper and plastics by using the bins and bags available in the hall.

For premises with large outside spaces such as historic buildings with associated parks and gardens, showgrounds or sports stadiums, litter picking will be required. The level of litter picking, its frequency and duration will largely be determined by the nature and level of use of the space. Train and equip staff and supply them with appropriate protective equipment if they are undertaking litter picking or bin emptying duties. Following an assessment of risk, ensure they know what can and can’t be recycled to minimise contamination. Consider the size of containers especially those for food waste, which is dense, to reduce manual handling risks for employees emptying containers into larger commercial bins.

If you regularly hire out your premises for indoor or outdoor events, fairs, concerts, markets, and festivals you should read our Guide for the outdoor events & festival organisers. 

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